This blog post originally appeared on Propel's blog. You can also view it there.
If you're writing tools to inspect and manipulate PostgreSQL queries, then you might already be familiar with libpg_query. If not, allow me to introduce it: libpg_query is the actual parser used by PostgreSQL to turn SQL queries into abstract syntax trees (ASTs) packaged up into a reusable C library.
Compared to bespoke parsers, libpg_query offers near-perfect compatibility with PostgreSQL because it's the same code. That's awesome! However, if you compare the output of libpg_query to ANTLR- or Nearley-based parsers, you'll notice that, while the PostgreSQL AST includes start locations for every expression, it lacks the length or end locations that other parsers provide. This makes writing syntax or expression highlighters difficult, because you can't be sure where an expression ends and when to stop highlighting.
Thankfully, there is a technique using the PostgreSQL lexer that we can use to recover expressions' end locations, and that's what I'll show you in the rest of this post.
First, rather than write this blog post in C, let's write it in TypeScript using Node.js. To do so, we need a library that loads libpg_query as a Node.js native addon. Up until recently, libpg-query would've been the clear choice for this; however, a fork with improved TypeScript definitions has emerged, @pg-nano/pg-parser, so let's use that:
cd $(mktemp -d)
npm init -y
npm install @pg-nano/pg-parser
Consider the following SELECT statement:
SELECT 1 + 2 AS three
We can parse it with parseQuerySync
and print it to the console:
import { inspect } from 'node:util'
import { parseQuerySync } from '@pg-nano/pg-parser'
let input = 'SELECT 1 + 2 AS three'
let parseResult = parseQuerySync(input)
console.log(inspect(parseResult, false, null, true))
Doing so logs the following:
version: 160001,
stmts: [
stmt: {
SelectStmt: {
targetList: [
ResTarget: {
name: 'three',
val: {
A_Expr: {
kind: 'AEXPR_OP',
name: [ { String: { sval: '+' } } ],
lexpr: { A_Const: { ival: { ival: 1 }, location: 7 } },
rexpr: { A_Const: { ival: { ival: 2 }, location: 11 } },
location: 9
location: 7
Amazing! Check out the location fields on the AST nodes. They tell us where each expression occurred in the original SQL text, but they don't tell us where the expressions start or stop. Instead, they include just enough information for PostgreSQL to associate error messages to expressions. For example, imagine we execute the following SQL statement, which incorrectly tries to sum a number and a string:
SELECT 1 + 'two' AS three;
PostgreSQL responds with the following error message, placing a caret symbol (^) at the start of the string literal "two", which is location 11 in the AST:
psql:commands.sql:1: ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "two"
LINE 1: SELECT 1 + 'two' AS three;
So that's cool, but what if we wanted to highlight or underline individual expressions? How can we go from a single location field to a pair of start and stop locations?
libpg_query exposes a function, pg_query_scan
, which takes a SQL text as input and passes it to PostgreSQL's lexer for tokenization. Tokenization is the first step in parsing a PostgreSQL statement, where the input text is divided up and categorized into lexemes, or "tokens". Each token includes both its start and end location. So, by combining the tokens with the AST, we should be able to recover the start and end locations of expressions, too.
Since we're using TypeScript and Node.js, we need to expose pg_query_scan
there, too. I've opened a pull request to do this, and I hope it will be merged. In the meantime, I've published my own release which we'll use for the remainder of the blog post:
npm install @markandrus/pg-parser
Now we can call scanSync
to get our SELECT statement's tokens and print them to the console:
import { scanSync } from '@markandrus/pg-parser'
let tokens = scanSync(input)
console.log(inspect(tokens, false, null, true))
Doing so logs the following:
{ kind: 'SELECT', start: 0, end: 6, keyword: 'RESERVED_KEYWORD' },
{ kind: 'ICONST', start: 7, end: 8, keyword: 'NO_KEYWORD' },
{ kind: 'ASCII_43', start: 9, end: 10, keyword: 'NO_KEYWORD' },
{ kind: 'ICONST', start: 11, end: 12, keyword: 'NO_KEYWORD' },
{ kind: 'AS', start: 13, end: 15, keyword: 'RESERVED_KEYWORD' },
{ kind: 'IDENT', start: 16, end: 21, keyword: 'NO_KEYWORD' }
Notice how each token contains a start
and end
location, and kind
tells us something about the token. For example, ICONST tokens represent constants, and IDENT tokens represent identifiers.
Take a moment to review each token's start and end locations above, comparing them to our SELECT statement. If we we to underline each token, it would look like this:
SELECT 1 + 2 AS three
└────┘ ^ ^ ^ └┘ └───┘
Let's instead imagine what it would look like to underline each expression, starting with leaf expressions first:
SELECT 1 + 2 AS three
SELECT 1 + 2 AS three
SELECT 1 + 2 AS three
SELECT 1 + 2 AS three
SELECT 1 + 2 AS three
Notice how
From these two observations, we can define a base case and recursive case for a set of recursive functions that will visit the PostgreSQL AST and annotate each expression with its left- and right-most tokens. So let's write it!
Let's start by importing and defining some types and basic operations. To begin, let's define a Span type which holds a left- and right-most Token. We can say that a Span starts at its left
Token's start
position and ends at its right
Token's end position:
import type { Token } from '@markandrus/pg-parser'
interface Span {
left: Token
right: Token
Given a Token, we can construct a trivial Span by setting left
and right
equal to each other:
function newSpan (token: Token): Span {
return { left: token, right: token }
We can also merge Spans by taking the left- and right-most Tokens of the two Spans. For reasons that will become clear later, it's convenient to let the first argument of mergeSpans
be optional:
function mergeSpans (s1: Span | undefined, s2: Span): Span {
if (s1 == null) return s2
return {
left: takeLeftToken(s1.left, s2.left),
right: takeRightToken(s1.right, s2.right)
Taking the left- and right-most Token is straightforward:
function takeLeftToken (t1: Token, t2: Token): Token {
return t1.start <= t2.start ? t1 : t2
function takeRightToken (t1: Token, t2: Token): Token {
return t2.end >= t1.end ? t2 : t1
Next, let's define a generic expression type, Expr, and a type of State object that we will thread through our recursive functions. The State object includes a map from expression locations to Tokens and a map from expressions to Spans. As we visit the PostgreSQL AST, we'll look up tokens by expression location and update exprToSpan
with our calculated Spans.
type Expr = Record<string, unknown>
interface State {
locationToToken: Map<number, Token>
exprToSpan: Map<Expr, Span>
Finally, let's define newState
to initialize a State object using the Tokens returned by scanSync
function newState (tokens: Token[]): State {
const locationToToken = new Map<number, Token>()
for (let index = 0; index < tokens.length; index++) {
const token = tokens[index]
locationToToken.set(token.start, token)
return {
exprToSpan: new Map(),
We want to write a function that recurses through the AST, visiting every expression. Then, for each expression, we want to annotate it with its Span. We can make a few choices here. For example,
Let's keep it simple for the blog post and just recurse through every array and object. We'll do that by defining a top-level function, getSpan
, and two helper functions getArraySpan
and getObjectSpan
. Additionally, let's not store Spans directly on the AST; instead, let's store them in our State object's exprToSpan
map. With that in mind, let's start with our recursive functions' entrypoint: getSpan
function getSpan (state: State, expr: unknown): Span | undefined {
if (expr == null || typeof expr !== 'object') return undefined
else if (Array.isArray(expr)) return getArraySpan(state, expr)
else return getObjectSpan(state, expr as Record<string, unknown>)
Notice how if expr
is null, undefined, or any other primitive type, then getSpan
returns undefined immediately. This is because there are no children to visit and there is no location information to look up a Token from. Otherwise, if expr
is an array we call out to getArraySpan
, and if expr
is an object we call out to getObjectSpan
function getArraySpan (state: State, exprs: unknown[]): Span | undefined {
let span: Span | undefined
for (const expr of exprs) {
const childSpan = getSpan(state, expr)
if (childSpan == null) continue
span = mergeSpans(span, childSpan)
return span
In getArraySpan
, we start by declaring an undefined span
. Then, for each array element, we get the element's childSpan
by recursively calling getSpan
and merge it into the existing span
before finally returning a result.
The object case is similar to the array case, except instead of iterating over array elements, we iterate over object members. We also perform a few extra steps…
function getObjectSpan (state: State, expr: Expr): Span | undefined {
let span = state.exprToSpan.get(expr)
if (span != null) return span
let isExpression = false
if (typeof expr.location === 'number' && expr.location >= 0) {
isExpression = true
const token = state.locationToToken.get(expr.location)
span = newSpan(token!)
for (const key in expr) {
const childSpan = getSpan(state, expr[key])
if (childSpan == null) continue
span = mergeSpans(span, childSpan)
if (isExpression && span != null) {
state.exprToSpan.set(expr, span)
return span
First, we check if we've already got a Span for expr
in exprsToSpan
. If so, we return immediately. Otherwise, we check for a location field to determine if expr
is an expression whose Span we should save. If so, we initialize span
to its starting Token, and we update exprToSpan
before returning.
Test the function on the first ResTarget node in parseResult
and print the result:
let state = newState(tokens)
let span = getSpan(state, (parseResult.stmts[0].stmt as any).SelectStmt.targetList[0].ResTarget)
console.log(inspect(span, false, null, true))
Doing so should log tokens representing the range 7–12:
left: { kind: 'ICONST', start: 7, end: 8, keyword: 'NO_KEYWORD' },
right: { kind: 'ICONST', start: 11, end: 12, keyword: 'NO_KEYWORD' }
Now that we can calculate Spans for every expression in exprToSpan
, we can use that information to highlight or underline expressions in the AST. Let's use box-drawing characters to underline expressions, like we've been doing in the examples above. Start by defining a function, printWithSpan
, that takes a string and optional Span, and prints them to the console:
function printWithSpan (input: string, span?: Span): void {
if (span == null) {
const start = span.left.start
const end = span.right.end
if (start === end - 1) console.log('^'.padStart(start + 1) + '\\n')
else console.log('└'.padStart(start + 1, ' ') + '┘'.padStart(end - start - 1, '─') + '\\n')
Call that function, and it will print. For example, we can print the Span for the ResTarget node that represents the arithmetic expression:
span = getSpan(state, (parseResult.stmts[0].stmt as any).SelectStmt.targetList[0].ResTarget)
printWithSpan(input, span)
Doing so logs the following to the console:
SELECT 1 + 2 AS three
If you play around with this approach, you'll quickly notice some improvements we could make to how Spans are calculated. We'll introduce a few such cases and potential solutions, but solving these problems is left as an exercise to the reader!
Notice how the Span for the ResTarget node above excludes "AS alias". In fact, the alias is part of the ResTarget node (it's included in its name
property), and so it would be better if the Span included this:
SELECT 1 + 2 AS three
To fix this, we could update our getObject
function to use the types from @pg-nano/pg-parser, match on ResTarget, extract its name
, and consume additional tokens from the end of its Span through "AS alias". Keep in mind that (1) the "AS" token is optional, and (2) we should ignore any comment tokens.
Notice how the Spans for parenthesized expressions are calculated incorrectly:
input = 'SELECT (((1 + 2)))'
parseResult = parseQuerySync(input)
tokens = scanSync(input)
state = newState(tokens)
span = getSpan(state, (parseResult.stmts[0].stmt as any).SelectStmt.targetList[0].ResTarget)
printWithSpan(input, span)
Running this logs the following to the console:
SELECT (((1 + 2)))
To fix this, we can update our getObject
function to count unmatched parentheses within an expression's Span, and then nudge the left- and right-most tokens of the Span to include the missing parentheses. Again, keep in mind that we should ignore any comment tokens.
Take a look at how PostgreSQL parses the following SELECT statement:
input = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t'
parseResult = parseQuerySync(input)
console.log(inspect(parseResult, false, null, true))
The expression COUNT(*)
is represented as a FuncCall with agg_star
set to true:
"FuncCall": {
"funcname": [
"String": {
"sval": "count"
"agg_star": true,
"funcformat": "COERCE_EXPLICIT_CALL",
"location": 7
If we print the Span for this FuncCall, we see that it excludes the parentheses and asterisk:
tokens = scanSync(input)
state = newState(tokens)
span = getSpan(state, (parseResult.stmts[0].stmt as any).SelectStmt.targetList[0].ResTarget)
printWithSpan(input, span)
Running this logs the following to the console:
Ideally, we'd like to print the following:
To fix this, we can update our getObject
function to use the types from @pg-nano/pg-parser, match on FuncCall, and extract its agg_star
. Then, if agg_star
is true, we can consume a left parenthesis token, an asterisk token, and a right parenthesis token. Again, keep in mind that we must skip over comment tokens.
Perhaps most basic of all, if we print the Span for the entire parseResult
, it excludes the SELECT token!
span = getSpan(state, parseResult)
printWithSpan(input, span)
Running this logs the following to the console:
Ideally, we'd like to print the following:
To fix this, we can update our getObject
function to use the types from @pg-nano/pg-parser, match on SelectStmt, and consume its initial SELECT token, keeping in mind that we must skip over comment tokens.
This blog post was written as literate TypeScript embedded in Markdown. You can extract and run the TypeScript code from the blog post by using codedown and piping the output to Node.js with the --experimental-strip-types
cd $(mktemp -d)
npm init -y
npm install @pg-nano/pg-parser @markandrus/pg-parser
curl <> >
npx codedown ts < >post.ts
node --experimental-strip-types post.ts