Pipeline.rb is a tool for applying image transformations to sequences of images, whether they be video files or directories. In particular, I wrote Pipeline to aid in processing animations, however it’s convenience is not limited to this scope.
The driving ideas behind Pipeline are:
In other words, Pipeline parses and applies a meta-language contained within so-called plan files across video files, directories of images, etc.:
Pipeline takes a variable number of plan files which describe a set of image transformations. Next, Pipeline applies these transformations over either:
Finally, the resulting processed images may be dumped to a new directory or saved or in-place, or — in the case of stdin — the singular image which gets processed outputs to stdout.
The syntax for Pipeline.rb’s plan-files is inspired in part by the patching systems implemented in both Max/MSP and Pure Data. Moreover, the language is intended to be equally intuitive.
Plans allow for two types of commands:
Both variable assignments and function calls take arguments of the following types:
, $alpha
, etc.)For example, a plan to swap the green and blue channels of an image, while inverting the red channel, takes the following form:
splitRGB $1
invert $1
joinRGB $1 $3 $4
It is important to note that the numeric variables — $1
, $2
, etc. — are routinely overwritten by function calls within a plan. For example, had we wanted to apply ImageMagick’s edge filter with a strength of 8 to an image, we would have written:
$red = $1
edge $3 8
joinRGB $red $2 $1
In the above example, splitRGB
saves the red channel of our input to $1
. We must store this before we call edge
on the blue channel ($2
), since the output of edge
will be stored in $1
. Finally we rejoin the channels. Note that the green channel ($2
) is unmodified.
Relying on the numbered variable system in the above examples grows cumbersome as the complexity of a plan file increases. Named variables circumvent this problem. Prior to this language feature, the following plan would have taken nearly 7 lines:
$r, $g, $b = split_rgb $1
$mask = center_fit %(images/masks/big_willie_style.png) $r
$r = multiply $mask $r
join_rgb $r $g $b
Significantly, in the above example, only the final line modifies a numbered variable; join_rgb
overwrites $1
I am considering adopting a Ruby-esque syntax, wherein any function call with an exclamation mark modifies its first argument in-place; i.e.,
multiply! $red $mask
would be the same as
$red = multiply $red $mask
All plan file commands are stored in a Hash
, with keys corresponding to function names and values corresponding to Lambda functions of type:
State -> Args -> State
Where State
is a Hash
of String
pairs corresponding to variable names and values.
is an array of Lambda functions of type
State -> Int | Float | String | [String] | Magick::Image | …
Variable arguments lookup their variable name against the State
passed to them and return the corresponding value. Int
, Float
, and String
arguments ignore State
and return themselves.
The aforementioned architecture makes Pipeline’s image processing as simple as:
of transformsinject
an initial State
populated with the source image through transformsState
passed to it accordinglyState
This algorithm is evident in the following class definitions:
class Transforms
def initialize
@transforms = []
def add(&transform)
@transforms << transform
def to_proc
# Here’s the work-horse: inject() is like Haskell’s `mapAccumL`
lambda { |state| @transforms.inject(state) { |state, fn| fn.call(state) } }
class Transform
def initialize(name, args)
@transform = $transforms[name] # instance looks itself up by name
@args = args # `args` is list of Lambdas of type State -> Arg
end def to_proc
# The following returns an `update`-ed hash
lambda { |state| state.update(@transform.call(state, @args)) }